Monday, June 22, 2009

Studio Magic Turned Tragic.

hey friends! so here we are. Loveless Motel Studios in beautiful Pasadena, CA. Today is day 5 of tracking for our new full-length, Devour. We've finished drums and bass, and today is guitars.

You may be wondering how things are going. To answer that in a word, horribly. Zeke managed to break one of the studio's guitars. He was trying to swing the guitar around his neck, and ended up hitting it on the wall, shattering the neck.

Jordan never even showed up.

Hunter was fired shortly after finishing his takes.

Shawn got a virus into the recording hard drives, erasing all of the takes. 

We were so close to giving up. so, so close. Until we heard a voice in our collective heads, telling us to just keep on keepin' on. I'm pretty sure it was just some hobo who wandered into the studio, looking for food. But at the time, it felt right. So here we are. doing what we do best.

Oh yeah, and everything is actually going great. This record is going to sound super duper gnarly. We'll keep you guys posted with pictures and lots of other fun stuff. Get stoked people.

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