Saturday, September 19, 2009

TOUR BLOG WEEK ONE: Flat Tires and Stolen Wallets

Okay, Jordan here. So we're one week into our tour, and it's been pretty intense so far. I'm gonna try and accurately explain what's gone on in our travels thus far.

Day one was Las Vegas. We played at a punk club called the Double Down Saloon. Everyone hated us, except for one super drunk guy who said "I've been coming here every weekend for the past 12 years and you guys are the best band I've ever seen here." …that should give you an idea of the type of place it is.

The next day we were driving to Arizona on route to Texas and our GPS told us to take a gravel road. We stupidly did it. The gravel turned to rocks, big sharp ones. Our tire blew out while we were stuck on a hill, miles from anyone. I'm pretty sure it was the exact mountain where The Hills Have Eyes was shot. We eventually got a hold of some helpful (and not murderous) locals, and we were on our way.

We still had about 1100 miles to go on our way to Texas but after lots of driving, we arrived at Headhunters in Austin. The bad news is that our touring drummer, Matt, got his wallet stolen. The good news is that we all discovered Lone Star Beer.

After that show we played the Lakewood Bar in Dallas. They gave us lots of nachos. The elderly chef, when told he only gave us 2 plates, responded, "that's what I get for being drunk at work". This soon becomes a recurring theme in the South.

Our Houston show was pretty crazy. Don't let the venue name fool you, "Super Happy Fun Land" is just the opposite. That place should be called Super Scary Haunted Land. Normally we have been sleeping in Wal-Mart parking lots, but we decided to get as far away from that place as possible so we drove all night to Louisiana.

The Luna Bar and Grill was awesome. They really know how to take care of touring bands. Too bad nobody in Lake Charles wanted to watch us. Oh well. The other band on the show, Daylight Broadcast, were cool.

We had another 9 hour drive ahead of us, to Huntsville, AL. We played at the Flying Monkey arts center, which was a really cool old warehouse thing with lots of little stores in it. Very hard to describe, and it's in the projects, but the place is rad and you should look it up. Met some cool kids there too.

On the way to Birmingham for our next show it started raining harder than I've ever seen in CA, for sure. Oh yeah, and we discovered the van had a leak! Fun. We attempt to fix it at a closed gas station to no avail. At 6am after we’d been sleeping in a parking lot for a few hours I was awakened by a Jamaican man telling us to move our van.

And that leads us up to right now. I'm sitting in the van, typing this on my phone, while everyone is wandering around the shopping center. It's still rainy. The van smells horrible and we really miss you all. Hope to hear from everyone soon, and I'm sure we'll have more fun stories next week!

Oh, and bug bites suck and we’ve got lots of them.

End Transmission.

P.S. Come check us out this week if you live anywhere near Birmingham, AL, Atlanta, GA, Memphis, TN, Knoxville, TN (with out friends You Just Don’t!), High Point, NC, Chapel Hill, NC or Wilmington, NC! See our MySpace page for specifics.

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